Course details
COVID19 - Guidelines at The Feltporium
We are living in unprecedented times and currently at The Feltporium the classes will be limited to 3/4 people so we can be safe and feel as safe as possible.
If you are feeling unwell, with just a temp or any of the COVID19 symptoms, you must not attend your course or visit to purchase supplies. If you have no symptoms but have been in contact with anyone who has the virus in the last 14 days, do not come to the studio, please stay at home until you feel better. Please refer to refund policy on course details.
Upon arrival you will be expected to wear your face mask and gel your hands. These are also available at the door on arrival. Once seated at your workspace you can remove your face cover if you wish. There will also be faceshileds for students to wear if they wish. Each student will be the minimum social distancing recommendation away from each other. At each table there will be hand gel and antibac wipes for you to use throughout the day.
When you need to use the sink or other facilities, please wear your face mask and use the one way system in place, entry through left door and exit right.
You will be encouraged to clean down your table/chair and work area throughout the day.
Drinks will be available in disposable cups with lids and for now biscuits and cakes will be in individual sealed wrappers.
Please bring your own equipment with you.
You are welcome to look at the felting supplies for sale. Please do not handle any items unless you are wearing a fresh pair of gloves that can be provided, please ask.
The tutor will be wearing a face shield. When you need one to one help, please wear your face cover and will hand gel their hands before handling any work.
The use of the shared toilet has a cleaning regime in place, you will take antibac wipes to wipe handles, toilet seat and taps on each visit. You will also need to wear your face cover and hand gel your hands when you return. There will be a little caddy to take with you with these supplies in.
Windows and a door may be open to allow a good circulation of air but this is subject to weather. When closed or to use alongside open windows there is an extracter fan that can be turned on to help with ventilation.